Welcome To The ADADA Blog!

Welcome manHello, how is your day going? Hopefully pretty great, since you’ve found the best iGaming blog on the world wide web! Well, okay, that might be a bit of an overstatement, but hey, if you’re looking for online casino news, statistics, articles and overall good stuff, then this is definitely the place to find it! My name is Amelia Grayson (but you can call me Amy if you’re really nice), and I’ve been working in the casino market since before I was old enough even enter some casinos! I’ve always had a knack for math and a really good memory, and I taught myself how to count cards when I was 14 years old (beat that, Kevin Lewis!), though I mostly used that as a party trick to impress my friends. I know you might be thinking something along the lines of “Whaaat, 14, that’s nonsense!”, but trust me, as long as you’ve got a good memory, lots of concentration and the right technique (which I learned from books such as “Beat the Dealer” and “Professional Blackjack”) even a little child could do it. When I was 19 (younger than I’d need to be to even enter a casino in the US) I found myself a job as a croupier in London, though half of my job was using my card counting skills in order to catch other people trying to do the same. That’s where I met my future husband Richard, who was a consultant for the casino, and let’s just say it was love at first sight, or about as close to it as you can get in the real world. One thing led to another, and a few years later we decided to quit our jobs and found ADADA, an association to encourage the development of the UK iGaming market (though recently our efforts have been focused more in diversifying it).

Without going into too much detail about ADADA (you can learn more on the main site if you’re so inclined), let’s just say it was a rather astounding success. Our advice, consultations, connections and even an entire event have helped launch not just one or two online casinos, with several more brewing in the background (launching a site like that, after all, takes months at best, maybe even years). But we decided that we wanted to go a step further than that. We wanted to help everyone interested in iGaming – those who wanted to invest in it, those running it and those enjoying it. But obviously we didn’t have the physical time or opportunity to just talk to everyone, so instead we decided to create our own blog where we would write articles that we believe could be useful to anyone in the iGaming market. Both Richard and I will try to post as often as our schedule allows, and we will try and make sure that the content we provide you with is worthy of your attention. We hope you enjoy our blog!
