Any fan of slots – be it online or offline – has come across some of those at some point. It being April Fool’s day today, I thought it a good idea to bust (or prove) some of those. Let’s just get straight into it.

Some myths about slot machines debunked

Myth: I’m just gonna hit jackpot now – it hasn’t happened in a while
Fact: Thing is, there is not really a thing like “the machine is bound to pay after a certain number of losses”. You simply can not predict the patterns played and the numbers are totally randomly generated. So unless what you are playing is rigged (and then it surely won’t be in your favour, duh!), there is no way to count when the JP will be hit. Each spin is as random as it gets and in no way dependent on what was the outcome before.

Myth: The bookies can report me to the tax authorities.
Fact: Yes and no. Thing is, you are not supposed to do anything illegal and you are supposed to declare any winnings/losses of any of your activities anyway. A gambling operator would function according and in compliance with the laws of its country of origin, so in some places they are supposed to report any winnings above a certain sum. Check the regulations in your country to be on the safe side.

Myth: I can create more accounts and thus beat the system and increase my winning chances
Fact: Oh, you genius! How didn’t I think of that! Ahm. Let me think about it. False. Same as above – it is random. So no, even if you manage to trick the operator somehow and get yourself more accounts, there is no way that will increase your chances to win (you could simply play more games from your existing one account). Not to mention that even if you manage to grab double the welcome bonuses, you will still be missing out on the loyalty rewards (spreading them across your fake accounts), which is kind of nonsense. Just don’t do it.

Myth: Damn, someone just won on the same slot I just played! That b&%$#stard! It could’ve been me!
Fact: Oh get off it. You know what RNG stands for? Random Number Generator. R-a-n-d-o-m. End of story.

Myth: There is a little army of green trolls behind every slot machine and they control the numbers that come up. If you have been a good boy/girl, they will let you win. Every time you are bad, it rains where they are, so they hate you and don’t let you win.
Fact: Obviously plausible, it also explains why I have never won big on slots.

So, that’s it for now from me, enjoy this crazy day of the year and have fun over the weekend. I hope to see you back soon for more casino and gambling related news and interesting facts.